Developers can customise the behaviour of the plugin through filter hooks. There are many useful filter hooks supported by this plugin, and Gravity Forms has many filter hooks too.
Here’s some example code that uses these filter hooks:
code_ description - string $message
- string $code
- return: string
Change the eWAY Rapid API error messages.
customer_ ip - string $ip
- return string
Allow hookers to override the Customer IP address sent to eWAY Beagle rules, for network-specific fixes.
customer_ ref - string $customer_ref
- array $form
- array $entry (only available for Responsive Shared Page)
- return: string
Change the customer reference (mostly useful for Recurring Payments).
form_ is_ eway - bool $is_eway_form — defaults to true
- int $form_id
- return: bool
Free add-on: Return false to tell Gravity Forms eWAY to ignore a form.
invoice_ amount - float $amount
- array $form
- array $entry (only available for Responsive Shared Page)
- return: string
Change the invoice amount.
invoice_ cust_ comments - string $comments
- array $form
- array $entry (only available for Responsive Shared Page)
- return: string
Set customer comments field (Recurring Payments).
invoice_ desc - string $description
- array $form
- array $entry (only available for Responsive Shared Page)
- return: string
Change the invoice description.
invoice_ ref - string $invoice_ref
- array $form
- array $entry (only available for Responsive Shared Page)
- return: string
Change the invoice reference.
invoice_ trans_ number - string $transaction_number
- array $form
- array $entry (only available for Responsive Shared Page)
- return: string
Change the invoice transaction reference. NB: must remain unique for each eWAY account!
recurring_ date_ end - DateTime $endDate
- DateTime $startDate
- DateTime $initDate
- array $inputs
- array $form
- array $feed
Change the date for the last instalment charge for recurring payments.
recurring_ date_ init - DateTime $initDate
- array $inputs
- array $form
- array $feed
Change the date for billing an initial charge (e.g. setup fee) for recurring payments.
recurring_ date_ start - DateTime $startDate
- DateTime $initDate
- array $inputs
- array $form
- array $feed
Change the date for the first instalment charge for recurring payments.
recurring_ periods - array $periods — default list is ‘weekly’, ‘fortnightly’, ‘monthly’, ‘quarterly’, ‘yearly’
- int $form_id
- GF_Field $field
- return: array
Free add-on: filter the available recurring periods (from ‘weekly’, ‘fortnightly’, ‘monthly’, ‘quarterly’, ‘yearly’).
save_ card_ number_ value - string $card_numer
- array $entry
- array $form
- return: string
Allow further modification of obfuscated card numbers returned from Rapid API with Client Side Encryption.